Monday, February 18

V-Day Flowers and Food

Hope everyone's Valentine's Day was filled with love from lovers, friends and family! On Saturday my boyfriend and I celebrated  with an epic home cooked meal. After going out to a restaurant last year, where the service and food quality was unfortunately disappointing, we decided that lounging at home and preparing our own food would be way more tasty and fun.

Kudos to my boyfriend for going all out on preparing this delicious feast. I only work that hard for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals so I felt extra special when he put in the ridiculous amount of effort just to feed me.

Le Menu
Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Le Dessert
Hello Kitty Brownies

Lots of brown, white and green....

Lamby, lamb lamb!

I eat rice daily so mashed potatoes are always a nice treat!
My sad food plating skillz.
Thanks to my housemate for lending her Hello Kitty taiyaki maker to bake brownies!
Sweetest boyfriend ever!

Gaaaah, bask in it's ridiculousness!!!

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