Sunday, February 10

Blog Title -TaDaaaaa

The blogging can commence now that the site has a kick ass title. My boyfriend helped me come up with the name after a not so sober brain storming session...

I had to add two extra "I"s to "Birds" because threelittlebirds, threelilbirds, 3littlebirds, and everything in between was already taken... It's obviously not a creative title but it does accomplish portraying "me" and everything I hope to convey through this blog in as little words as possible. And what better way to sum up my inebriated musings, food-porn pics, and LA/hipster lifestyle posts then through a vague reference to a Bob Marley song. In the end, I just wanted it to represent all the positive vibes I hope to share and communicate through this blog and quoting an ultra laid back reggae song seemed like the perfect choice.

Stoney-steezy-puppies.blogspot was a close runner-up... And now as I type this, I kind of regret not choosing that blog name instead...


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